Smart Shepherd | Game Changer

Smart Shepherd is an award-winning technology that measures the maternal performance of free-range livestock.

It accurately identifies the lambs raised by each ewe and measures the strength of the ewe–lamb bond.  Smart Shepherd is a game changer for improving mothering ability, productivity and welfare. It is easy to apply on farm alongside existing events in the farming calendar using normal animal handling equipment.

Smart Shepherd works in any environment with any grazing livestock, including sheep, cattle, goats and deer.



Successfully helping 100's of animals and farmers throughout Australasia

91,684 animals in 575 mobs on 122 farms

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Smart Shepherd | What is it?

It is an easy-to-use, Smart Collar that records interactions between mothers and offspring in free range farming systems.  It delivers accurate parentage information and brand-new insights into mothering ability and the ewe-lamb bond.

For ram breeders, it outperforms other methods for large scale maternal performance recording.

For commercial farmers, it is potentially a breakthrough technology for improving the number and weight of lambs weaned, flock health and product quality.

Smart Shepherd | How does it work?

  1. A Bluetooth enabled "Smart Pod" collar is attached to all members of the mob - mothers and lambs
  2. An Android handheld device used to match the Smart Pod with the animal’s ear tag and to read and upload Smart Pod data on collar removal.
  3. Our web application analyses and reports the animal interactions and parentage

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How It Works

・ No file transfers or special IT skills required
・ Operates on farm without cellular or internet connection
・Integrates with EID and your animal performance recording system
・ Support provided from an experienced team

Smart Shepherd | Lifting the bar

Good mothers are the heart of any farm – Smart Shepherd finds mums, who have raised magnificent lambs. And finds lambs with the right background to be magnificent mums.

Smart Shepherd will see sheep and people jumping for joy - because improved mothering ability has potential for far reaching benefits – in number and weight of lambs reared and overall farm system health including animal health and welfare, product quality of meat and wool and reduced emissions.

We believe Smart Shepherd opens a new pathway to nurture the earth, plants, animals and people that make up your farm system.

Jumping Sheep

Site by Techno Joy